Powering Strong Communities

California ISO Takes Operational Control of 125-Mile Transmission Project

The California Independent System Operator has formally taken operational control of Ten West Link, a 125-mile high-voltage transmission project that will bring more than 3,000 megawatts of renewable energy resources to consumers throughout California and the Desert Southwest.

Ten West Link was developed by DCR Transmission, L.L.C., a joint venture led by affiliates of Lotus Infrastructure Partners, a private investment firm focused on energy infrastructure investments.

DCRT was chosen to develop the energy project by CAISO following a comprehensive competitive solicitation in 2015. The capacity of Ten West Link is managed by the CAISO, making Ten West Link a critical transmission asset serving the needs of the electric consumers in the Southwest. The Project became operational on June 12, 2024. 

At the recent ribbon cutting for Ten West Link, Mark Rothleder, Chief Operating Officer of the CAISO said, “This monumental initiative stretching 125 miles from Tonopah, AZ to Blythe, CA represents not just the physical connection of two states, Arizona and California, but the bridging of efforts towards a sustainable future.”

More than 7,000 megawatts of renewable energy resources are currently applying to interconnect to the bulk transmission grid via the line.

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