Powering Strong Communities
Distributed Energy Resources

City Commission for Lakeland, Fla., Approves Solar PPA

The City Commission of Lakeland, Fla., a public power community,  on Nov. 4 approved a solar power purchase agreement with Edge Solar LLC.

Edge Solar is a subsidiary of the Williams Corporation.

The PPA is tied to the development of a utility scale solar power generation facility on former phosphate mining land owned by Williams.

Edge will develop, construct, own, operate and maintain the 74.8 MW solar facility and sell all power generated from that facility to Lakeland Electric, a public power utility, pursuant to this agreement.

A memorandum prepared for Lakeland’s Mayor and City Commission noted that the initial term of the agreement will commence upon commercial operation of the facility, with a guaranteed operation date of no later than March 7, 2027, and continue until the final day of “the 24th operating year as determined by the commercial operation date unless otherwise terminated as provided in the agreement.”