Powering Strong Communities

City Council for Russell, Kansas, Authorizes Plan to Add Generation

The City Council for Russell, Kansas, recently approved a resolution authorizing and providing for the acquisition and installation of 15 megawatts of generation.

Representatives from the Kansas Municipal Energy Agency, Gilmore Bell, Stifel, and Russell staff presented the generation project details and its stages to the City Council, KMEA reported in its Utility Connection newsletter.

The project consists of five 3 megawatts CAT generating units to be added in both power plant locations.

“Russell takes great pride in its status as a Public Power Community, underscored by our governing body’s recognition of our utilities’ significance,” said city manager Jon Quinday. “I am appreciative of our committed team and governing body, resolutely committed to progressive action and strategic investments that continually elevate our community’s quality of life and secure its long-term sustainability,” he said.

“Additionally, my appreciation extends to KMEA and their continual support and invaluable assistance in our endeavors and those of other member cities. Public Power in Kansas would not be at the high level it is today without great city staff, governing bodies, and Team KMEA,” said Quinday.

As part of the long-term project the city plans to retire older units while adding additional capacity to the city’s portfolio.

KMEA’s newsletter also noted that Russell continues its investment into the electric department with this announcement coming on the heels of a $2,039,650 million BRIC grant received to rebuild the city North 1 and 2 circuits.  

The city council had previously approved the rebuilding of the East residential circuits 1 and 2 last year with construction to begin in the spring of 2024.

These distribution rebuilds total more $4.5 million in project cost that will be completed over the next couple of years.

The long-term plan for the city is to rebuild one circuit a year until the entire system is replaced.

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