Tenaska on March 22 officially announced the Longleaf CCS Hub, a carbon capture and storage project planned for Mobile County, Ala.
“The facility will provide an innovative business solution to assist manufacturers, power plants, industrial processors and other industries in South Alabama in meeting emissions regulations and climate mandates,” the company said.
Longleaf CCS Hub is participating in an award through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, allowing for $17.9 million in funding to support geologic characterization and permitting efforts.
The DOE funding brings together a diverse project team, which includes Southern States Energy Board (award recipient), Tenaska, Advanced Resources International, Crescent Resource Innovation, ENTECH Strategies, the Geological Survey of Alabama, the University of South Alabama and Williams.
Baker Hughes Oil Field Services and Environmental Resources Management will also participate as vendors, with Southern Company Services taking on the role of the Project Industry Network lead.
Tenaska’s initial development of the Longleaf CCS Hub started in 2022. The project’s Class VI application is under review by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and Tenaska has solicited interest from a number of emitter customers in the region.
Pending all necessary permitting approvals, construction is slated to begin as soon as late 2025, with commercial injection expected a year later.
Actual start of construction will be scheduled to synchronize the start of injection with the customers’ readiness to capture CO2.
To support community engagement efforts, Tenaska has hired a local representative from the Mobile area and opened a local project office. More information can be found at www.longleafccshub.com.
The Longleaf CCS Hub is part of Tenaska’s portfolio of CCS projects across the United States.