Powering Strong Communities

Comparing kilowatts to oranges: How electricity prices have changed with other household expenses

The average American household spent $63,000 in 2019.
  • Housing: $20,679
    • Utilities: $4,055 with $1,380 for electricity
  • Transportation: $10,742
  • Food: $8,169
  • Healthcare: $5,193

The annual cost of electricity is similar to how much Americans spend on:

Compared to other usual household expenses, the cost of electricity is fairly stable.
Item Average Price: January 2001 Average Price: January 2021 Highest Average Cost Change
Milk (one gallon) $2.78 $3.47 $3.59 25%
Coffee (one pound) $3.54 $4.79 $6.09 30%
Electricity (one kilowatt-hour) $0.084 $0.136 $0.143 62%*
Gasoline (one gallon) $1.30 $2.33 $4.09 79%
Oranges (one pound) $0.69 $1.31 $1.59 113%

*Public power prices rose 4.5 cents compared to 5.2 cents nationally during this time.

In 2020, the cost of electricity rose 2.2%, while food prices rose an average of 3.9% and the price of natural gas rose 4.1%.

As efficiency goes up, the cost comes down.

The average household used 2.3% less electricity in 2019 compared to 2009 – or $36 in savings.

Infographic comparing cost of electricity with other household expenses