Powering Strong Communities

Construction Starts on 48-MW Power Generating Unit in Lodi, California

Enchanted Rock LLC recently began construction of a 48-megawatt power generating unit adjacent to the City of Lodi Water Treatment Plant in Lodi, Calif. The power plant is scheduled to be operational by the end of summer 2023.

This effort is being led and fully funded by the California Department of Water Resources as part of California’s Strategic Reliability Reserve Program, an effort to safeguard the state’s energy system in the face of drought, wildfires, and heat waves that are impacting California’s energy grid.     

The new power plant will only be used in extreme peak demand events to provide temporary power generation to stabilize and supplement existing grid-tied power supplies to avoid grid failures both statewide and locally. 

Lodi Electric Utility staff will be installing the necessary electrical infrastructure to support these efforts, the cost of which will be fully reimbursed by DWR.  

“The City of Lodi is dedicated to providing the community with affordable, reliable energy and this project will help mitigate power import constraints in Lodi during extreme weather events and local emergencies until upgrades are completed to Lodi’s transmission intertie with PG&E as part of the Northern San Joaquin 230 kV Transmission Project,” the public power city said.