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CPS Energy’s Bret Colby Named as Member of Texas Advanced Nuclear Working Group

Bret Colby, Principal for Nuclear Oversight at Texas public power utility CPS Energy, has been named as a member of a Public Utility Commission of Texas Advanced Nuclear Working Group.

“I am excited for the opportunity to be a part of the Texas Advanced Nuclear Working Group. I look forward to the work we will do for advanced nuclear energy in Texas and to be a member representing CPS Energy,” said Colby.

Members of the working group were announced on Oct. 10.

The working group was established Aug. 16, 2023, at the direction of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and operates under the leadership of PUCT Commissioner Jimmy Glotfelty.

In late September, Glotfelty provided details about the working group.

In a presentation, Glotfelty listed the following project goals of the working group:

  • Study technological advances in nuclear energy production, particularly as it relates to safety for the state’s residents;
  • Map the state’s role in deploying and using advanced nuclear reactors;
  • Identify existing and potential federal and state incentives;
  • Determine nuclear-specific changes needed in the ERCOT market;
  • Identify any specific federal and state regulatory impediments to development;
  • Consider possibilities for the state to streamline and accelerate permitting through the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; and
  • Encourage development of a robust supply chain

Along with working group members, additional experts in fields relating to nuclear energy development, deployment, and distribution will join this effort on subgroups to ensure the full spectrum of ideas and options can be considered.

The working group will evaluate how advanced nuclear reactors can provide safe, reliable, and affordable power for Texas.

Areas of study include safety advancements, financial incentives, state, and federal regulatory impediments to growth, permitting processes, and impacts to the Texas electric market.

The working group must report its findings and recommendations to Governor Abbott by Dec. 1, 2024.

A complete list of working group members is available here.

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