Powering Strong Communities

Customers in Denton, Texas, Give Electric Utility, Other Services High Marks

A utility customer survey found that the quality of electric service, water and wastewater services, and solid waste and recycling services were well-rated by Denton, Texas, residents.

The survey assessed the City of Denton’s customers’ opinions on several components of water, wastewater, solid waste, recycling, and electric services.

Customers were asked their thoughts on quality, affordability, reliability, and customer services.

The survey is the first in what is expected to be a regular comprehensive utility survey that occurs every two years. 

The survey results showed that residents appreciate the value they receive in their utilities.

The quality of electric service, water and wastewater services, and solid waste and recycling services were well-rated by customers in Denton.

Electric service was the top-rated utility, with 93% of the respondents rating it as excellent or good. Water and wastewater services were rated at 90%, while trash and recycling received ratings of 85% for the same measure.

Respondents were asked to rate the reliability of Denton Municipal Electric’s service, and a response rate of nine in ten customers rated it as excellent or good.

"We are always looking for feedback from our customers, and the results indicate that they are highly satisfied with the quality and reliability of the service DME provides every day,” said Stuart Birdseye, External Affairs Administrator and PIO for DME. "While positive overall, the results also show us some areas where we can continue to work to connect with our customers to provide outreach and information, such as the fact that DME covers its entire load with 100% renewable energy.”

The reliability of the water service and the quality of the information provided in water customer communications were the top-rated water service attributes, with about nine in ten customers rating each of these as excellent or good.

During the last 12 months, two-thirds of Denton’s utility customers contacted the city’s customer service department at least once. Customers were highly satisfied with the response given by the City of Denton utilities customer service staff. At least nine in ten respondents gave excellent or good ratings to the courtesy of the employees, the overall impression they made, their knowledge, their responsiveness, and the timeliness of the response.

The city worked with National Community Survey to mail nearly 3,000 surveys to randomly selected residential customers in April 2023 and received a 13% response rate. 

 The city said it will use these results “to help improve our future planning and deliver the best utility services possible to our community.”