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DEED Program Approves $236,000 in Funding for Grants and Scholarships

The American Public Power Association’s Demonstration of Energy & Efficiency Developments program recently approved $236,000 in grants and scholarships.

The action took place at DEED’s Fall 2023 meeting with DEED Directors signing off on funding three grants and ten scholarships.

Scholarship funding was awarded to the following public power utilities:

  • Missouri River Energy Services
  • Kaukauna Utilities
  • Westfield Gas & Electric (received funding for three scholarships)
  • Prairie du Sac Electric Department
  • Kansas City Board of Public Utilities
  • City Light Gas & Water (CLGW)
  • Kissimmee Utility Authority
  • Village of Morrill

The Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Co., New York Power Authority and City Water, Light & Power (Springfield, Ill.) received grant funding.

NYPA Project

NYPA’s grant will be used for a business intelligence analysis of NYPA’s Ambient Adjusted Rating and Dynamic Line Rating implementations.

NYPA carried out several pilot projects in AAR and DLR and accumulated years of experience and knowledge in such implementation, based on which NYPA is proposing to carry out business intelligence study in the following aspects — validation of data acquisition, understanding of interconnections and maximizing the application benefit.

MMWEC Project

The MMWEC project calls for the study and design of new reliable points of interconnection between Princeton, Mass., and the Sterling Municipal Light Department, to improve reliability to the town.

MMWEC is a joint action agency and Princeton Municipal Light Department is a MMWEC member utility.

City Water, Light & Power Project

City Water, Light & Power will use its grant to pursue a comprehensive initiative “aimed at revolutionizing the security, monitoring, and maintenance of critical electrical infrastructure.”

Leveraging advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), analytics, thermal imaging, and direct collaboration with law enforcement, the project seeks to create a cutting-edge solution that addresses the challenges faced by traditional substation security and monitoring systems.

Spring 2024 Application Now Open

The DEED program funds research, pilot projects, and education to improve the operations and services of public power utilities.

The Spring 2024 application cycle opened on November 1 and closes on February 15, 2024.

When reviewing proposals, DEED Directors take into consideration a project’s applicability to other public power utilities, development of new equipment or methodologies, the timeliness and transferability of results, and overall benefit to utility operations, among other considerations.

Before applying, it is best to reach out to your regional representative for feedback and review. Please email DEED@PublicPower.org for to access the applications and for your regional representatives’ contact information.

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