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DOE Funding for Carbon Capture Projects Includes Springfield City Water, Light and Power Plant

The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced funding for carbon capture projects that include projects involving Illinois public power utility Springfield City Water, Light and Power.

On September 23, 2022, DOE announced up to $189 million in funding for integrated front-end engineering design studies to support the development of community-informed integrated carbon capture, transport, and storage projects.

This funding is part of the DOE’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstration Carbon Capture Demonstration Projects Program.

The goal of the Carbon Capture Demonstration Projects Program is to accelerate the implementation of integrated carbon capture and storage technologies and catalyze significant follow-on investments from the private sector to mitigate carbon emissions sources in industries across America.

OCED selected eight projects to begin award negotiations, which were announced on May 5, 2023.

DOE and each selectee will negotiate a cooperative agreement, and any DOE funding would be provided only after negotiations are complete and DOE’s contracting officer executes the funding agreement. Before a funding agreement is executed, DOE may cancel award negotiations and rescind the selection for any reason.

One of the proposed projects is an end-to-end carbon dioxide capture, transport, and storage solution for the Dallman 4, a pulverized coal power plant at City Water, Light and Power in Springfield, Illinois.

The project is estimated to capture two million tonnes of CO2 per year and transport it to a geologic storage site in the Illinois Storage Corridor. The proposed capture system uses a Linde-BASF solvent-based system. 

Meanwhile, DOE on May 17 announced $251 million to support 12 selected projects across seven states to bolster the nation’s carbon management capabilities.

Included among the selected projects is the University of Illinois, which plans to complete site characterization efforts for the Cambrian Mt. Simon Sandstone/Eau Claire Formation storage complex, for storage of CO2 from the Dallman Power Generation Plant and about 50 million metric tons of total CO2 storage capacity.