Powering Strong Communities

The Electrified States of America

Electric end use is on the rise: Nearly 40% of homes in the United States are primarily heated by electricity, and electric vehicles comprised 3.4% of all light-duty vehicle sales at the end of 2021. Yet, where electric demand is growing and how electrification affects the grid varies from state to state.

This map shows the share of electricity as end-use energy in each state.


Infographic map showing the share of electricity as end-use energy for each state

View the full size map.

State Electricity usage percentage (%)
Alabama 66.1
Alaska 34.2
Arizona 80.6
Arkansas 57.8
California 63.5
Colorado 44.2
Connecticut 43.3
Delaware 56.8
District of Columbia 51.9
Florida 85.1
Georgia 65.7
Hawaii 90.1
Idaho 51.1
Illinois 38.5
Indiana 48.2
Iowa 45.1
Kansas 46.0
Kentucky 55.8
Louisiana 72.0
Maine 29.5
Maryland 60.3
Massachusetts 39.2
Michigan 35.2
Minnesota 42.8
Mississippi 71.7
Missouri 48.7
Montana 35.6
Nebraska 47.4
Nevada 71.0
New Hampshire 33.4
New Jersey 44.2
New Mexico 43.5
New York 42.1
North Carolina 64.3
North Dakota 43.0
Ohio 47.7
Oklahoma 58.5
Oregon 61.9
Pennsylvania 49.7
Rhode Island 42.2
South Carolina 62.5
South Dakota 50.8
Tennessee 62.3
Texas 76.0
Utah 53.7
Vermont 30.3
Virginia 67.1
Washington 60.9
West Virginia 49.5
Wisconsin 37.0
Wyoming 38.3

Additional electrification facts:

  • Hawaii households use the highest share of electricity as end use energy in the U.S. (90.1%) and have the lowest average per capita energy use.
  • More than 30% of the country’s electric vehicle charging stations are in California.
  • The most energy-intensive states are those with colder climates: the three states with the highest per capita energy consumption are North Dakota (103.3 million Btu), Montana (98.8), and Wyoming (92.9)
  • Florida has the highest portion of homes heated by electricity, with 91.9%
  • At 5.9%, Vermont has the lowest share of homes heated by electricity
  • Louisiana is the rare high electricity-usage state (72%) with above-average carbon emissions per capita

For more on how these figures were calculated, and trends in electrification, see Electrifying the Future: Current Trends, Future Pathways, and Potential Challenges. Data for U.S. territories not available