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Electric Vehicles

Federal Government Releases National Zero-Emission Freight Corridor Strategy

The federal Joint Office of Energy and Transportation on March 12 released a national zero-emission freight corridor strategy.

Developed by the Joint Office, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Transportation, and the Environmental Protection Agency, the strategy establishes four phases, from 2024 to 2027, 2027 to 2030, 2030 to 2035, and 2035 to 2040, designed to accelerate the adoption of  Zero-Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles, both through federal and private investments.

“Public power utilities can review this strategy to determine if any of the priority hubs, ports, or corridors are within or near their service territory. This information can help inform grid and charging infrastructure planning,” said Patricia Taylor, Director, Policy and Research, at the American Public Power Association.

The strategy aims to align public policy and investments by prioritizing infrastructure deployment along the National Highway Freight Network and complementary roadways in rapid, smart, and actionable phases to accelerate the adoption of ZE-MHDVs.

Initial deployment focuses on locations with the highest need and demonstrated action to leverage federal funds and drive private investment.

In alignment with this strategy, the Federal Highway Administration is announcing the designation of National EV Freight Corridors along the National Highway Freight Network and other key roadways.

“This designation is part of an all-of-government approach that represents a major milestone in the work toward clean transportation by aligning investments and accelerating sustainable and scalable deployment of reliable ZE-MHDV infrastructure,” the Joint Office said.

The strategy includes appendices that list the facilities and freight corridors included in the various phases.

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