Powering Strong Communities
Disaster Response and Mutual Aid

FEMA Sends Funds to Vermont to Reimburse Burlington Electric Department for Recovery Work

The Federal Emergency Management Agency will be sending more than $1.8 million to the State of Vermont to reimburse the Burlington Electric Department for recovery work for damage caused by the severe storms, flooding, landslides and mudslides that took place in July 2023, FEMA said on Dec. 9.

“At Burlington Electric Department, we take steps every day toward our goal of making Burlington a Net Zero Energy city as we do our part in the fight against climate change. Recent severe storms and flooding caused damage to Winooski One Hydro, an important renewable energy production source, demonstrating some of the impacts of climate change and extreme weather in our community. We are grateful to FEMA, Vermont Department of Public Safety, and Vermont Emergency Management for their support in securing these critical funds that will help all Burlingtonians,” stated Darren Springer, General Manager of Burlington Electric Department, a public power utility.

The $1,854,636 award represents 90 percent of the estimated total cost of repair projects, with the utility responsible for the remaining 10 percent. Burlington Electric Department’s acceptance of the funding is subject to review and approval by the Burlington City Council.

Of the total award, a grant of $1,668,461 is for permanent repair work to the Winooski One hydroelectric facility. The remaining $186,175 will go toward emergency protective measures, debris removal and other repair work.

FEMA’s public assistance program "is an essential source of funding for states and communities recovering from a federally declared disaster or emergency," it said.

The program provides grants to state and local governments, tribal governments, and to certain types of private nonprofit organizations to reimburse for the cost of life-saving emergency protective measures, debris removal and repair work to damaged public buildings and infrastructure.  

Vermont Emergency Management works with FEMA during all phases of the program and conducts final reviews of FEMA-approved projects. 

Once a project is obligated by FEMA, VEM works with the applicant to finalize the grant and begin making payments. VEM ensures grant funding is provided to local communities as quickly as possible.

So far, FEMA has awarded nearly $111 million in grants to Vermont to reimburse eligible applicants for expenses related to the July 2023 storms.