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FERC Issues Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Tied to inverter-Based Resources

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Dec. 19 proposed to approve the first of an expected suite of new reliability standards “to protect the grid as the nation makes the transition to expanded use of clean energy technologies.”

The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking marks the latest in the Commission’s series of grid reliability orders pertaining to inverter-based resources, issued over the last two years.

“The NOPR is intended to ensure reliability of the grid by accommodating the rapid integration of new power generation technologies, known as IBRs, that include solar photovoltaic, wind, fuel cell and battery storage resources and comprise a significant portion of new generating capacity projected to come online over the next decade,” FERC said.

The NOPR covers the first two of a suite of new North American Electric Reliability Corporation reliability standards that are intended to comprehensively address IBR data sharing, model validation, planning and operational studies, and performance requirements.

The order concerns the ability of IBRs to “ride through” frequency and voltage excursions like faults on the transmission system, and seeks more information on exemptions for certain IBRs. Comments are due 60 days after publication in the Federal Register.

The Commission directed NERC to develop the standards over a three-year period in Order No. 901, issued in October 2023.

IBRs use power electronic devices to change the direct current power produced by generators into alternating current power that is then transmitted on the bulk electric system.

In certain cases, these resources respond to grid disturbances differently from traditional generation resources such as hydropower, nuclear, coal or natural gas plants.

Most mandatory reliability standards were developed for traditional generation resources, so this new suite of rules is important to ensure IBRs support reliability in the same manner as traditional generation resources.

In related reliability action, the Commission accepted NERC’s five-year performance assessment, directing NERC to submit a compliance filing within 180 days providing metrics to track development of reliability standards and its compliance monitoring and enforcement program. 

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