Powering Strong Communities

Glendale Water & Power launches demand response program

California public power utility Glendale Water & Power (GWP) has launched a demand response program for residential and commercial customers, GWP reported on April 19.

Through the peak savings program, customers will receive incentives for reducing demand on the electric grid on days when demand is highest. The program will be run by Franklin Energy, a provider of energy efficiency and grid optimization solutions.

For residential customers, the program will automatically adjust customer smart thermostats by up to three degrees Fahrenheit on peak events. Participating customers receive $50 for enrolling, and $50 each year on their enrollment anniversary through a prepaid debit card. Customers who do not have a smart thermostat are eligible to receive a $100 instant rebate when purchasing a smart thermostat through GWP’s Energy and Water Efficiency Marketplace which will be launched in the coming weeks.

Commercial customers that participate in the program receive a complimentary site assessment to determine ways to reduce energy during peak events, GWP noted.

 An energy advisor will provide a customized energy reduction plan which will be implemented on peak events to help reduce peak electric demand. Participating commercial customers can receive up to $250 per event.

Up to 15 peak events can be called each year. Residential customers can opt out of a maximum of two events without affecting their incentives. Commercial customers may opt out of any event, but will not receive incentives for the peak events they did not participate in.

The peak savings program is designed to deliver up to 10 MW of controllable demand by 2024