Powering Strong Communities

How representative is the public power workforce?

The Center for Energy Workforce Development estimates that there are 96,200 public power employees – representing 16% of the utility workforce. As the utility workforce grows, here’s how it compares to the demographics of the overall U.S. labor force.

Women are underrepresented, especially in key jobs.

women make up 24% of the utility workforce

Public power has a smaller share of younger workers than the industry overall.

public power has a smaller share of younger workers

Attrition outpaces recruitment among non-white workers.

attrition outpaces recruitment for non-white workers

Veterans are slightly more represented, although decreasing.

veterans are represented



  1. Gaps in the Energy Workforce 2019 Survey Report, Center for Energy Workforce Development
  2. Labor Force Characteristics from the Current Population Survey, 2018, US Bureau of Labor Statistics  


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