With the help of the Illinois Municipal Electric Agency, Naperville, Ill., is encouraging drivers to make the switch to electric vehicles.
In fiscal year 2023-24, the City of Naperville tapped into $144,900 of IMEA funding to incentivize the installation of 293 qualified electric vehicle charging stations in residences throughout the city, IMEA reported on Feb. 7.
This is a substantial increase from fiscal year 2022-23, when Naperville used $25,500 of IMEA program funding to incentivize the installation of 90 electric vehicle charging stations.
IMEA is the wholesale electricity supplier for Naperville, Ill.
The Agency manages several value-added programs and services to aid its municipal members, including Naperville. Funding for the electric vehicle charging station incentives in Naperville came from the IMEA’s Electric Vehicle Charging Station & Electric Vehicle Program.
IMEA also runs an Electric Efficiency Program that makes $1 million of incentives available each year. Businesses and public-sector facilities within IMEA member communities use these incentives to fund energy saving measures for compressors, refrigeration, and HVAC pumps. LED light and custom projects that meet the program’s criteria are also incentivized.