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Distributed Energy Resources

Imperial Irrigation District to Streamline Solar Interconnection Process Through New Software Platform

California public power utility Imperial Irrigation District recently announced that it is working to integrate a software solution, PowerClerk, into its solar interconnection application process.

IID said it expects to significantly enhance the efficiency, transparency, and overall experience for customers who seek to interconnect solar energy systems to the grid through PowerClerk®, a workflow automation platform designed to optimize and simplify the complex procedures involved in solar interconnection.

IID expects to begin implementing the new platform in January 2024, and will start by working with a handful of contractors to get their feedback and experience, so the district can make any necessary adaptations before full rollout.

As of mid-December 2023, throughout its service area, IID had integrated energy from over 9,200 solar systems (135 megawatts) into its electric grid with another 745 applications (24.2 MW) in process for new solar connections.

Deployment of the platform aligns with IID’s “dedication to foster sustainable energy solutions and promote renewable energy adoption within its service area. By leveraging PowerClerk, the district reinforces its commitment to environmental stewardship, while empowering the community to embrace solar energy with greater ease,” the utility said. PowerClerk is a product of Clean Power Research®.

PowerClerk’s user-friendly interface empowers customers to navigate the interconnection process seamlessly, from initial application submission to final approval. The system will not only provide clear guidance, but also ensure a more responsive and organized workflow for both applicants and IID personnel.