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Jeff Hall Elected to Serve as Chair of APPA’s Policy Makers Council

Jeff Hall, a commissioner with Washington State’s Benton PUD, was elected in July to chair the American Public Power Association’s Policy Makers Council.

"The activities of the PMC are crucial to the success of APPA's ability to advocate for public power throughout the country,” Hall said. Elected officials “advocating their positions with other elected officials goes a long way toward credibility on all our most important issues. " 

Members of the PMC meet twice a year in Washington, D.C., and at least once a month by Zoom.

The group advocates on issues such as addressing climate change through federal policies (including implementation of the elective pay tax credit created in the Inflation Reduction Act), energy infrastructure permitting reform, financing infrastructure investments, grid security, addressing the supply chain crisis, and local issues affecting public power communities.

Benton PUD is a public power utility and member of the APPA. The utility was formed in September 1946 and now serves over 55,000 customers in Kennewick, Finley, Benton City, Prosser, and outlying areas.

In addition to his other duties, Hall has served as a commissioner for Benton PUD since January 2002 and is the past president of the Washington PUD Association.

As chair, Hall also serves on the national APPA Board of Directors.

His chairmanship will last until July 2024.

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