Powering Strong Communities

Kentucky Municipal Energy Agency Launches Carbon-Free Choice Program

The Kentucky Municipal Energy Agency on Dec. 9 announced the launch of its Carbon-Free Choice Program, a new initiative that allows KYMEA All Requirements members’ retail customers to purchase up to 100% carbon-free energy.

“This program is part of KYMEA’s ongoing commitment to providing sustainable and environmentally friendly energy solutions,” it said.

The Carbon-Free Choice Program sources its carbon-free energy from Ashwood Solar I and SEPA Hydroelectric Power resources.

When a member’s customer participates in the program, KYMEA allocates that portion of its carbon-free Renewable Energy Certificates to the customer who purchased the carbon-free energy.

The program aims to provide KYMEA members’ residents and businesses the opportunity to support, purchase, and consume carbon-free renewable energy. Participants can be residential, commercial, or industrial retail customers of KYMEA member utilities.

Customers have the option to purchase carbon-free energy RECs from their respective KYMEA member utility as a carbon offset for their electricity usage. The KYMEA member utility will establish a retail tariff to be applied to participating retail customers’ invoices.

Program Specifics:

  • The carbon-free energy is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • There are approximately 233,000 blocks available annually.
  • Eligible customers, who are in good standing, purchase the blocks from their local municipal electric provider.
  • The rate per block, per month, is subject to change each July.
  • Each block is certified and tracked using the M-RETS tracking system.
  • Program participants will receive verification that the carbon-free energy was utilized and retired on their behalf.
  • Whole blocks must be purchased.
  • The minimum participation term is one year.

Created in September 2015, 11 municipal electric utilities entered into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement creating KYMEA, a joint public agency.

KYMEA was formed to facilitate effective collaboration among its members to do all things necessary or convenient to serve the current and future electric power and energy requirements of the members and to provide assistance to the members related to their electric power and energy utility systems.