Powering Strong Communities

KPP Energy Details Response to Winter Storm Blair

Kansas-based KPP Energy on Jan. 7 provided an update on the joint action agency’s response to Winter Storm Blair.

KPP Energy noted that this last weekend saw temperatures plummet, precipitation in the form of rain changing to freezing rain, and ultimately changing to snow, creating challenges across much of the state.

“Many parts of Kansas were heavily impacted by this storm, making travel treacherous, while also impacting many electric systems. Icing on the lines created issues for several utilities, causing outages to customers,” KPP Energy said.

The Southwest Power Pool issued a Weather Advisory on Jan. 2, elevating to Resource Advisory the next day, Friday, January 3.

“The regional grid has remained stable, with adequate resources to meet the current demand and reserve margin, as we endured the winter storm,” KPP Energy said.

Several KPP Energy member cities answered the call to support the grid, the JAA pointed out.

Wellington and Winfield both operated their gas turbine units throughout the weekend into this week.  Wellington also operated its steam turbine to support the grid.

The City of Kingman has been operating up to three of its diesel units to support city load, due to weather related issues impacting its tie-line.

“KPP Energy has been in contact with our member communities, reporting that although some have experienced outages, they all seem to have been localized, smaller outages with efforts taken to restore service as quickly as possible. KPP Energy is not aware of any calls for mutual aid as a result of the winter storm. However, Winfield has sent a line crew to Wellington to assist in recovery efforts,” KPP Energy said.

“Looking ahead, it appears we may experience some additional winter weather with continued below freezing temperatures and snow being forecasted in the southern half of Kansas later this week,” it noted.

KPP Energy staff continues to closely monitor current grid conditions, coordinating with SPP, Tenaska Power Services and member cities to maintain grid reliability, and providing updates as conditions change.

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