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LADWP Receives Federal Funding for Groundwater Replenishment Project

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power has received federal funding from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for the Los Angeles Groundwater Replenishment Project, one of multiple projects expected to dramatically reduce the City of Los Angeles’ dependence on purchased, imported water.

LADWP was awarded $30 million.

The announcement was made at a press conference held at the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s Grace F. Napolitano Pure Water Southern California Innovation Center in Carson.

LADWP Chief Executive Officer and Chief Engineer Janisse Quiñones was joined by Commissioner Touton of the Bureau of Reclamation, United States Senator Alex Padilla, U.S. Representatives Grace Napolitano and Nanette Barragan, State and local water officials, MWD, and other water agencies that were also awarded federal funds.

The recently announced funding is from the Bureau of Reclamation’s Large-Scale Water Recycling Program, which will provide $450 million over the next five years to large water recycling projects in the Western region.

“Large-scale recycled water projects will play an important role in establishing a new, local drought-resilient water supply helping to preserve this precious resource amid water scarcity,” LADWP said.

“We are grateful that LADWP was chosen as one of the recipients of this grant, as it will be crucial in helping advance our continued mission to ensure all of our customers have equal access to clean, reliable water,” said Quiñones. “Securing this grant is a significant milestone and it wouldn’t have been possible without the support from our federal, state and local partners. Our shared commitment for a resilient and sustainable water future is unwavering, and today demonstrates that collaborative spirit.”

In partnership with the Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Bureau of Sanitation and Environment (LASAN), this $750 million project will recycle 100 percent of available wastewater from LASAN’s Donald C. Tillman Water Reclamation Plant (DCTWRP) to produce up to nearly 7 billion gallons per year of purified recycled water for replenishment of the San Fernando Groundwater Basin (SFGB).

This will help produce enough drinking water for more than 250,000 residents in the City of Los Angeles annually.

LADWP will provide funds to LASAN for the construction of the recycled water facilities needed at DCTWRP, including an Advanced Water Purification Facility (AWPF) and a state-of-the-art, STEM-focused Learning Center with the intent of educating the public on the safety of purified recycled water and the importance of continued investment in water efficiency projects.

LADWP and LASAN have been collaborating together to develop the LAGWR Project in the San Fernando Valley for several years, conducting pilot testing, performing research of the groundwater basin, and conducting significant outreach to the community.

LADWP will soon present to its Board of Water and Power Commissioners an overview of the finalized design and a recommendation on next steps for construction and completion of the LAGWR. As one of the largest potable reuse projects in the country, LADWP will continue to work closely with LASAN, the community, and all stakeholders throughout the city to ensure the project’s success, bringing us one step closer to a more resilient and sustainable water future.

Grant funds were also awarded to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the City of Ventura and the Washington County Water Conservation District in Utah.

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