The Long Island Power Authority is sharing details on its latest integrated resource plan through a series of videos.
Jen Hayen, Director of Communications for LIPA, noted that this is the first time that LIPA has utilized a video series to provide details on its IRP.
Tom Falcone, CEO of LIPA, has shared the videos through his Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. LIPA has also utilized its LinkedIn account to share the videos.
Part one of the video series discusses key findings, how LIPA plans to meet its clean energy goals, and how the public can participate in the process.
“An integrated resource plan is a look out over the next twenty years but really focusing on the next seven years and saying what transmission, what power plants, what clean energy, what demand response, what batteries, what do we need to reliably and affordably meet” the needs of its customers in an environmentally sustainable way, Falcone said in part one of the video series.
He noted that the IRP looks at a number of different scenarios addressing how the future may unfold.
“This is the beginning of a public process,” he said in part one of the video series. The IRP was published in November. “We plan to do hearings in February,” he said.
Between now and then, LIPA is taking written comments and Falcone said LIPA welcomes feedback on Long Island’s energy future.
In Part II of the IRP video series, Falcone and LIPA’s Senior Vice President of Power Supply Gary Stephenson discuss how LIPA plans to meet the state’s goal of 9,000 MW of offshore wind by 2035, what investments are needed in the transmission system to support the clean energy transition, and the impact this emerging industry will have on Long Island and in the Rockaways.
Hayen said that LIPA plans to publish about one video per week through the start of the public comment sessions in February.