Powering Strong Communities

MidAmerican Energy, MRES Discontinue Development of Pumped Hydro Project

MidAmerican Energy and Missouri River Energy Services have decided not to pursue a pumped hydro project at this time, MRES said on May 23.

MidAmerican Energy and MRES teamed up to explore the Gregory County Pumped Storage Project as a way to store the energy that is already being generated from MidAmerican’s wind fleet and to supply energy to the grid when it’s needed.

“While pumped storage technology is proven and the need for energy storage solutions is essential for regional reliability, MidAmerican and MRES have decided not to pursue the project at this time,” MRES said.

MidAmerican Energy, an investor-owned company and MRES “made this decision based on the same due diligence we employ in every project we do. We will continue to evaluate all options – including pumped storage -- for reliable, affordable, and resilient energy resources to serve the residents and businesses that rely on us,” MRES said.

MRES provides wholesale power and other energy services to member public power utilities in Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota.