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Nashville Electric Service, Clarksville Crews Work to Restore Power in Wake of Tornado, Storms

Lineworker crews from Nashville Electric Service and Clarksville, Tenn., worked through the weekend to restore power to customers after a tornado and thunderstorms swept across Tennessee on Saturday.

NES reported on Monday morning that 5,978 customers remained without power.

“NES crews from Nashville and contract crews from Georgia and Kentucky are actively working 24-hour rotating shifts to restore power,” the public power utility said. So far, crews are reporting at least 138 broken power poles, it said.

NES reported that two of its substations sustained significant damage.

Clarksville’s CDE Lightband said that a peak of 20,000 customers were without power, but that number was down to 11,000 customers as of Sunday.

CDE Lightband also said that there were more than 100 poles that will need to be replaced. “Crews are working rotating 24-hour shifts to quickly and safely restore power,” CDE Lightband said.

It also noted that there were 31 additional crews (over 200 lineworkers) on site to help with power restoration.