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New Georgia Nuclear Unit Reaches 100 Percent Energy Output for First Time

Georgia Power announced on May 29 that Vogtle Unit 3 has safely reached 100 percent power, marking a major milestone towards commercial operation.

This milestone marks the maximum energy the unit is licensed to produce in the reactor core and is the first time the unit has reached its expected output of approximately 1,100 electric MW.

Southern Nuclear will operate Vogtle 3 and a second new unit, Vogtle 4, on behalf of the co-owners: Georgia Power, Oglethorpe Power and public power utilities MEAG Power and Dalton Utilities. MEAG Power is a 22.7% co-owner of Plant Vogtle, including the new units, while Dalton Utilities is a 1.6% co-owner of the plant.

Testing at the 100 percent power level is focused on the operation of the reactor, plant control systems for the reactor and support systems, and integrated plant operations. Plant performance is monitored at various conditions and data is gathered and evaluated by site engineers.

With the unit reaching full power for the first time, other tests must be performed at this power level before the unit is available for reliable dispatch in accordance with its combined operating license.

Once all startup testing is successfully completed and the unit is available for reliable dispatch, Vogtle Unit 3 will enter commercial operation.

Unit 3 is projected to be placed in service during June 2023.

Vogtle Unit 4 began receiving nuclear fuel this month. Since the first fuel delivery on May 3, 157 fuel assemblies necessary for the safe and reliable startup of Unit 4 have arrived by truck in shipping cannisters designed to transport non-irradiated uranium fuel assemblies. Hot functional testing for Unit 4 was completed on May 1.