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Electricity Markets

New York Grid Operator Launches Program for DER Aggregation Integration

The New York Independent System Operator recently launched a first-in-the-nation program to integrate aggregations into the wholesale electric markets of distributed energy resources, such as small-scale solar arrays, residential batteries, and electric vehicles, it said on April 18.

This follows approval of new market rules by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to implement the program.

The NYISO’s new market rules allow aggregations of DER resources over 10 kilowatts, which will provide reliability benefits and other important services to the electric grid as New York continues its shift to more renewable energy resources, it said.

The NYISO forecasts distributed generation in the state to roughly double over the next three decades as the state strives to have 70% of its electricity generated by renewable resources by 2030 and achieve a 100% clean power grid by 2040.

The FERC NYISO order is available on FERC’s website.

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