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New York’s Electric Grid Prepared to Meet Winter Demand: NYISO

Adequate supplies are in place to meet electricity demand under forecasted conditions for the coming winter, according to the New York Independent System Operator's annual assessment, which also highlights future concerns, including declining reliability margins and fuel availability to the generation fleet.

“The findings of our annual assessment show adequate resources to serve electric demand this winter,” said Aaron Markham, Vice President of Operations for the New York Independent System Operator. “However, disruptions in fuel supplies to generators could result in operational challenges, especially during extreme winter weather conditions.”

The NYISO’s 2024-2025 Winter Assessment found that 29,514 megawatts of power resources are available to meet a forecasted peak demand of 23,800 MW.

Last winter, peak demand reached 22,754 MW on January 17, 2024. The all-time record for winter peak demand was 25,738 MW on January 7, 2014.

As New York moves closer to becoming a winter-peaking system, expected by the middle of the next decade, NYISO continues to voice concerns about declining reliability margins. 

The NYISO's winter assessment also finds that disruptions in fuel supplies may result in operational challenges given system reliance on firm fuel generation during extreme cold weather events.

NYISO monitors regional fuel supplies and surveys most generating stations to review preparations for the upcoming winter, including fuel switching capabilities, fuel procurement and cold-weather preventative maintenance.

There is also close and ongoing coordination by the NYISO with New York State agencies, other grid operators, and the natural gas industry, including the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, the Natural Gas Supply association, and the Northeast Gas Association, it said.


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