Powering Strong Communities

Northeast Grid Operators Support Proposal by States to Enhance Transmission Planning

ISO New England, the PJM Interconnection, and the New York Independent System Operator have voiced support for a proposal from eight Northeast states to develop a new approach to the development of interregional transmission coordination.

Earlier this month, officials from the six New England states as well as New York and New Jersey asked for help from the Department of Energy to form a Northeast States Collaborative on Interregional Transmission.

The officials said the proposed partnership between DOE, the states, and the three affected regional transmission organizations could help “strengthen our power grid, drive down consumer costs, and accelerate the deployment of clean energy,” particularly offshore wind.

In a response, the three RTOs said they agreed they have a key part to play. Leaders of the RTOs sent a letter to Maria Robinson, Director of the DOE’s Grid Deployment Office on June 27.

The letter notes the three RTOs already share information and cooperate extensively around system planning studies and projects with cross-border impact.

“Offshore wind development is a key component of the larger reviews of interregional transfer capability across the Eastern Interconnection,” the executives wrote. “Accordingly, the NYISO, PJM, and ISO New England welcome the opportunity to leverage the expertise, tools, and processes we have in place to serve the work of a Northeast States Collaborative.”