On the evening of October 24, the city of Osawatomie, Kansas, began experiencing troubles at a power plant substation. It was subsequently determined that the substation transformer was damaged and a replacement was needed.
A transformer was located in Garden City, Kansas, and in order to meet the urgent need, the City of Garden City quickly approved the sale of the transformer and began efforts to load and transport it to Osawatomie, the Kansas Municipal Energy Agency reported in its Utility Connection newsletter.
“The leadership shown by the City of Osawatomie to reach out and the responsiveness of the City of Garden City’s Electric Department staff is a testament to the value of the public power community, in general, and, more specifically, it is a testament to the value of being a member of KMEA,” Matt Allen, City Manager, Garden City, said in an article in the newsletter.
After the transformer arrived in Osawatomie, work began immediately, preparing a new gravel road to get the transformer up an 11% grade to its permanent location.
With the coordinated work of the city, KMEA Mid-States, and Bardroff Heavy Hauling, the transformer was positioned, hooked up, and delivering power to affected 300 meters. In the worst case some customers were without power for seventy-six hours.
“Without the fast work of city employees, KMEA, and Garden City, the situation likely would have lasted much longer. The cooperation between municipal utilities and the strong connections and expertise from KMEA Mid-States was paramount in the completion of this emergency project,” said Osawatomie’s City Manager Bret Glendening.
The functions of KMEA/Mid-States include a full service electrical apparatus fabrication shop, in-house design capabilities, as well as field crews for construction, trouble-shooting, testing, service, and maintenance.
KMEA/Mid-States custom designs and fabricates components to the customers’ needs and wants. KMEA and Mid-States Energy Works combined forces on July 1, 2020 when KMEA purchased the assets of Mid-States.