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PJM Board Approves Updates to Regional Transmission Expansion Plan

The PJM Interconnection’s Board of Managers has authorized changes to its Regional Transmission Expansion Plan.

The Board on Aug. 7 approved several new baseline reliability projects; scope and cost changes to four existing projects; and the cancellation of three baseline projects that are no longer required.

Baseline Reliability Projects

The larger scope baseline reliability projects, each with estimated costs of $10 million or more, include the following work in the named transmission zones:


New 765 kV breakers for Baker, Broadford and Jefferson to enable the ability to remove reactors from service without taking the line out of service, in support of certain operating conditions

Allen to R.P. Mone and Mone to Maddox Creek 345 kV line rebuilds and breaker replacements to relieve overloaded lines

Vassell and Maliszewski 765 kV bank and breaker work to relieve overloaded lines


Expand the Haumesser Road 138 kV substation and related work to relieve an overloaded line

Elwood to Goodings Grove 345 kV upgrade to relieve an overloaded line


Yadkin to Fentress 500 kV rebuild to address end-of-life issues


New Jackson Road to Cedar Grove 230 kV line to relieve overloaded lines  

The Board also approved several breaker replacements and terminal equipment upgrades whose individual cost estimates are less than $10 million.

Baseline reliability transmission enhancement costs are allocated to PJM load.

Project Scope Changes

The PJM Board approved scope changes involving three 2022 RTEP Window 3 projects and the New Jersey State Agreement Approach project.

2022 RTEP Window 3

Among the scope changes to projects related to 2022 RTEP Window 3, the Board approved changes to a baseline project that included a new 500 kV line from 502 Junction to Woodside to Aspen designated to NextEra, FirstEnergy and Dominion.

NextEra initiated collaborative discussions with the incumbent transmission owners in the Doubs Corridor to investigate a more feasible route that would minimize area impact for the new Woodside to Aspen 500 kV line segment. Following these discussions, the entities agreed that the line section from Woodside to Aspen should be rerouted from the originally proposed greenfield line route to an alternate route within existing transmission line rights-of-way along the Doubs Corridor containing the rebuilt Doubs-Goose Creek and the new Doubs-Aspen 500 kV lines.

The Board also approved scope changes to projects that included a new 500 kV line from Chanceford to Conastone to Doubs designated to PPL, Exelon and PSEG, as well as cost-estimate changes to Red Lion to Hope Creek 500 kV terminal upgrades.

New Jersey State Agreement Approach

At the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities’ February 2024 meeting, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities requested prebuild provisions around the Larrabee station for civil work to minimize disturbance to the shoreline and in the vicinity of the Larrabee substation. This resulted in a scope addition for this baseline project.

Project Cancellations

Upgrades to the Blairsville East-Social Hall 138 kV line were canceled because they are no longer needed following the withdrawal of the intent to deactivate Beaver Valley 1 and 2 generation units.

The Charlottesville-Proffit 230 kV reactor and work on the Peach Bottom-Conastone 500 kV line also are no longer needed due to the approved 2022 Window 3 solution.

Full details of the Board approvals are posted on PJM.com.

The Regional Transmission Expansion Plan process, which takes place throughout the year, identifies the needs of the grid up to 15 years into the future.

PJM’s RTEP analysis identifies system violations to reliability criteria and standards, determines the potential to improve the market efficiency and operational performance of the system, and incorporates any public policy requirements.

PJM then develops transmission system enhancements to be integrated into a regional solution set and reviews them with stakeholders through the Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee before submitting recommendations to the PJM Board of Managers for consideration at its quarterly meetings. 

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