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PJM Interconnection Issues Hot Weather Alert Through July 13

The PJM Interconnection on July 11 extended a Hot Weather Alert for its Mid-Atlantic and Southern regions through July 13 ahead of anticipated temperatures above 90 degrees.

PJM previously issued a Hot Weather Alert for these regions for July 12.

A Hot Weather Alert helps to prepare transmission and generation personnel and facilities for extreme heat and/or humidity that may cause capacity problems on the grid. Temperatures are expected to be near or above 90 degrees in these regions, which drives up the demand for electricity.

The Mid-Atlantic region is made up of the Atlantic City Electric, Baltimore Gas and Electric, Delmarva Power & Light, Jersey Central Power & Light, Met-Ed, Penelec, PECO Energy, Pepco, PPL Electric Utilities, PSE&G, and Orange & Rockland (Rockland Electric Company) transmission zones.

The PJM Southern region consists of Dominion Virginia Power’s service territory. As of July 11, PJM is expecting to serve a forecasted load of approximately 139,000 MW on July 12 and 138,800 MW on July 13.

The forecasted summer peak demand for electricity is approximately 156,000 MW, but PJM has performed reliability studies at even higher loads – in excess of 163,000 MW.

PJM has approximately 186,000 MW of installed generating capacity available to meet customer needs, with sufficient resources available in reserve to cover generation that is unexpectedly unavailable or for other unanticipated changes in demand.

Last year’s peak demand was approximately 149,000 MW.