Powering Strong Communities
Energy Storage

PNNL to Offer Energy Storage Technical Assistance for APPA Members in Rural Areas

The American Public Power Association and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have entered into an agreement to collaborate on an opportunity for technical assistance for select APPA members related to energy storage for rural resilience.

The objective of this program, as described by PNNL, is to provide technical assistance supporting local decision-making and grassroots energy storage project development that delivers measurable benefits to the resilience of rural communities. PNNL will provide assistance through in-kind guidance, training, analysis, and support.

PNNL’s technical assistance will concentrate on four key areas: understanding community benefits, techno-economic analysis, funding opportunities assistance, and regulatory and policy assistance.

Participants in this program will receive tailored assistance, over a period of one year, to help them progress towards successful project deployment, though project deployment itself is not part of the program.

Members will participate in monthly virtual meetings. APPA will help facilitate these meetings and will also act as a conduit between members and PNNL.

These meetings are scheduled to begin in August and will run for about a year.

PNNL is looking to provide technical assistance for utilities particularly in rural areas, so the assistance is limited to projects located in rural communities.

Interested utilities can fill out an interest form by July 15 at this link: https://surveys.publicpower.org/s3/Energy-Storage-for-Rural-Resilience-Interest-Form

Questions can be directed to Paul Zummo, Director, Research & Development at APPA, at: pzummo@publicpower.org.


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