Powering Strong Communities

Public Power Is Consistently Reliable

Based on the data submitted to the U.S. Energy Information Administration from 2013-2023, public power utilities consistently are more reliable than other types of electric utilities. Across the main reliability indices, customers of public power utilities experience the fewest minutes of outage time – during and outside of major events – and fewer outages than customers of investor-owned utilities or cooperatives.

Average Outage Time for Non-major Event Days, 2013-2023

System Average Interruption Duration Index, IEEE standard

Average minutes of outage time by utility type, 2013-2023

71 minutes

Over the past decade, public power customers experienced an average of 70.7 more minutes per year with power than customers of other utilities – or nearly 12 more hours with electricity.

10-year Average, by utility type

Cooperatives 172 minutes
Investor-owned utilities 136 minutes
Public power 65 minutes

chart legend showing blue for public power, gray for total, yellow for cooperatives, and red for IOUs

Average Outage Time for Major Event Days, 2013-2023

System Average Interruption Duration Index, IEEE standard

Average outage time for major event days by utility type, 2013-2023

2.5 hours

Average public power customer outage time during major events over the last decade



2.9 hours faster than total average over 10 years

4.4 hours faster than coop average

3 hours faster than IOU average

Average Interruptions per Customer for Non-major Event Days, 2014-2023

System Average Interruption Frequency Index, IEEE standard

Average interruptions per customer by utility type, 2014-2023


Public power utilities are the only type to consistently average less than one interruption per customer

Over 10 years, that’s 8 fewer interruptions than customers of coops, and 3 fewer interruptions than customers of IOUs.

Learn more about public power’s reliability advantage on our Reliability Data page, and benchmark and track your utility’s performance with APPA’s eReliability Tracker.

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