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Public Power Officials Briefed by Department of Energy on Supply Chain, Other Key Issues

Officials from public power utilities and American Public Power Association staff were recently briefed by Department of Energy officials on a number of key issues including supply chain challenges.

Members of APPA’s Mutual Aid Committee attended the DOE meeting at the federal agency’s headquarters in Washington, D.C.

APPA members raised significant supply chain concerns. DOE officials discussed the current threat environment facing the power sector. The officials also addressed state, local, tribal and territorial programs and federal energy emergency response activities.

DOE officials addressed the agency’s Rural and Municipal Utility Cybersecurity Grant and Technical Assistance Program. In late 2022, APPA told DOE that there are a number of ways in which APPA can help DOE successfully implement the Rural and Municipal Utility Advanced Cybersecurity Grant and Technical Assistance Program.

Along with the meeting at DOE, members of the Mutual Aid Committee also held a meeting at APPA’s headquarters in Arlington, Va.

The Mutual Aid Committee meeting was led by Santee Cooper’s Neil James, who is chair of the committee. Mike Willetts (MMUA) is the Vice Chair. JT Flick (NYPA), Kenny Roberts (ElectriCities of North Carolina), and David Hefner (GRDA) are At-Large members. The committee nominated and elected Grand River Dam Authority’s David Hefner to serve a second term as an “At Large” member of the Mutual Aid Executive Council until June 2026.

At the meeting, Mutual Aid Committee governance materials were reviewed. The mutual aid state coordinator roster was also reviewed and updated.

The APPA mutual aid agreement document was discussed and a working group was established to assess the need for an update or an addendum to the mutual aid agreement.

In addition, Mutual Aid Committee members shared lessons learned from 2022 disasters including hurricanes, tornadoes and wildfires.

The committee discussed recent Light Up Navajo activities. Light Up Navajo is a joint effort between the American Public Power Association and the Navajo Tribal Utility Authority. Light Up Navajo IV started in April and runs through June 2023. Light Up Navajo is a project to extend electric service to households on the Navajo Nation.

The Mutual Aid Committee was established in 2022 at APPA’s National Conference in Nashville, Tenn. Acting Co-Chairs of the MAWG, Amy Zubaly (FMEA) and Kenny Roberts, oversaw establishment of the Mutual Aid Committee and the elections for the Mutual Aid Committee Executive Council

Previously, national-level public power mutual aid efforts had been conducted under the auspices of the Mutual Aid Working Group, which coordinated and facilitated the mutual aid program for APPA for well over a decade.    

The creation of the Mutual Aid Committee formalized APPA member oversight of the mutual aid program and the Mutual Aid Committee remains focused on networking, supporting emergency response, facilitating mutual aid, and sharing ideas and resources.