Powering Strong Communities
Distributed Energy Resources

Residents of Mount Dora, Fla., Can Participate in Community Solar Starting in December

Starting on December 1, Mount Dora, Fla., residents will have the option to go solar through the Mount Dora Electric Utility, a public power utility.

Interested customers will have the option to apply for the community shared solar program, allowing them to choose from 25, 50 or 100% of their power to be solar generated.

“Many of our residents have expressed interest in our electric utility providing solar options for several years, and we are thrilled to launch this program,” said Steve Langley, City of Mount Dora Electric Utility Director. “Unlike traditional rooftop solar options where customers have to mount solar panels onto their homes, the Mount Dora Community Solar Program allows customers to continue to utilize the same utility company for power and decide how much of their electricity comes from clean, renewable energy.”

Mount Dora Electric Utility customers can opt into the community solar program at a rate that accounts for the difference between solar energy and natural gas energy. For 1,000 kilowatt hours, which is the average usage, a fee of $4.99 will be added to the electric bill. This may change depending on the cost of natural gas.

The Mount Dora Community Solar Program is made possible through the 4-MW Mount Dora Community Solar Farm, which was unveiled in March 2023 and built on City of Mount Dora property, as well as the Florida Municipal Power Agency.

FMPA provides solar-generated energy from several solar sites across the state to participating cities. Each of the public utilities participating in this project are owner-members of FMPA.