Powering Strong Communities

Santee Cooper Issues RFP for Capacity and Energy

Santee Cooper has issued a request for proposals to assist in meeting specific load growth expectations in their service territory starting January 1, 2024.

Santee Cooper, the state-owned public power utility in South Carolina, is requesting proposals for firm capacity and energy from all dispatchable resources for delivery to its load in the Santee Cooper balancing authority.

Santee Cooper may be required to bundle multiple offers to meet load growth forecasts as a result of this RFP.

Examples of eligible dispatchable resources include, but not limited to: 

  • Long-term Power Purchase Agreement for capacity and energy from a new or existing designated generation resource
  • Long-term PPA proposals for firm with liquidated damages energy and capacity 
  • Long-term PPA proposals for call option products 

Proposals are due March 24, 2023.

The RFP is available here.