Powering Strong Communities
Electric Vehicles

SRP Customers Again Surpass Electric Vehicle Adoption Target

Arizona public power utility Salt River Project recently announced a total of 40,585 electric vehicles leased or purchased in its service territory as of April 30, 2023, which is above its target of 39,000 by that time.  

SRP also surpassed its target last year when it reported more than 29,000 EVs in its territory as of April 2022, which was more than 6,000 above its target. 

The reported increase in EV adoption rates in recent years comes as SRP continues to offer a wide variety of electric vehicle incentives and programs. It noted. Among these is a specialized EV price plan where customers can charge their vehicles at a lower rate during off-peak hours.   

In addition, with SRP’s residential smart charger program, customers can either apply for a $250 EV charger rebate or purchase them directly from srpmarketplace.com at a discounted price. In total, 2,020 chargers were purchased or discounted through the program during fiscal year 2023, which is more than double its goal of 1,000 chargers.  

The utility also recently announced a new program that offers SRP customers complete home installation services for smart EV chargers through its partner Qmerit, which includes an upfront pricing estimate. The partnership is aimed at simplifying the process of charger installation. 

“SRP remains committed to achieving its long-term sustainability goals, which is why we continue to offer multiple ways to help people make the switch to electric.” said Burrell Kilmer, SRP’s Manager of Electric Vehicle Strategy. “This year, we continued to support a number of EV-related programs and remained a dedicated member of the TE Activator coalition.” 

The Transportation Electrification “TE” Activator coalition consists of numerous stakeholders working to advance electrification across the state.

SRP is a founding member of the coalition which started in 2021. Other members include the City of Phoenix, the City of Tempe, the City of Mesa, ASU, American Lung Association, Western Resource Advocates, SWEEP and Shell Recharge.  

SRP has also continued its relationship with Chargeway to increase electric fuel education at car dealerships through the installation of informational kiosks and its free mobile app for EV drivers.

Chargeway provides information related to charging needs, including charging speeds, where to find public charging locations, and how to plan for a road trip. Five additional kiosks were recently installed, bringing the total number of kiosks to 11, with one more being installed soon.  

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