Powering Strong Communities

Traverse City Light and Power Journeymen, Apprentices Participate in Hurt Man Rescue Training

Michigan public power utility Traverse City Light and Power journeymen and apprentices recently participated in quarterly safety training for a Pole Top Hurt Man Rescue.

Hannah Duell, Communications Specialist at the utility, said that eight journeymen and three apprentices participated in the training.

She noted that in the pole top hurt man rescue, a lineworker must climb a pole, secure a training dummy and lower the training dummy down to the ground. Then they must climb down the pole, all under a 4-minute timeframe. 

Photo courtesy of TCLP

Duell said the utility has training that is different every year -- some required annually, others not.

The utility does safety training for the following: Confined space training, pole top, and bucket rescue, basic first aid, CPR, bloodborne, pathogens, grounding, hotline tools care and use, transformer banking, chainsaw training fork truck training, substation entrant, DOT, SPCC (spill prevention) and more.

Each month focuses on a specific safety topic.