Powering Strong Communities

Truckee Donner PUD Board Approves Energy Resource Mix

At Truckee Donner Public Utility District’s Nov. 6 board of directors meeting, the board approved the submission of the 2023 Power Source Disclosure Report and Power Content Label.

California public power utility TDPUD is required to report annually to the California Energy Commission and its customers the actual mix of electric resources delivered to the community in the prior year.

The report details sources of electricity, whether they are considered an eligible renewable by the CEC, and the overall greenhouse gas emissions of the portfolio.

The data used by staff for the CEC’s Power Source Disclosure Report and Power Content Label is also used to report TDPUD’s Renewable Portfolio Standard and other environmental metrics.

The board approved submission of the report, which showed that in 2023, TDPUD reported its power came from 47.3 percent eligible renewable resources and 60.3 percent carbon-free resources.

TDPUD said it continues to seek out opportunities to grow those percentages while accounting for annual load growth.

Other Action
The board also approved two multi-agency agreements regarding leases of TDPUD-owned land within Truckee River Regional Park.

The first agreement was a three-party lease option between the TDPUD, Truckee-Donner Recreation and Park District, and the Truckee Library Joint Powers Authority, which enables the updated location of the new Truckee Library to be located on this TDPUD-owned parcel.

The second agreement was a hold harmless and property use/maintenance agreement with the Town of Truckee and TDRPD, which is needed to enable the proposed expansion of the Rocker Memorial Skate Park on a TDPUD-owned parcel.

The new agreement enables the new portions of the skate park to be located on this TDPUD-owned parcel, while protecting TDPUD’s rate payers from any liability originating from its use.

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