Powering Strong Communities
Energy Efficiency

TVA Investing $1.5 Billion Through 2027 on Energy Efficiency Incentives, Demand Response Programs

The Tennessee Valley Authority on Oct. 2 said that it is investing $1.5 billion through 2027 to help homeowners and businesses save money on their power bills, especially in the hot summer and cold winter months, through energy efficiency incentives and demand response programs that help consumers lower their energy use. 

Combining rebated upgrades can save households up to 50% a year on their energy bills, TVA noted.

“By making our region more energy efficient, we can offset the new energy growth by more than 40% and offset increases in summer peaks by nearly 35%,” said Elizabeth Gibson, a TVA spokesperson.

Residential upgrades that may be eligible for rebates include qualifying HVAC systems, duct and air sealing, heat pump water heaters, insulation, windows and HVAC tune-ups. 

To qualify, customers must use a member of TVA’s contractor network to have eligible upgrades installed.

Tennessee public power utility on Oct. 2 highlighted the TVA announcement and detailed the ways in which EPB can help its customers when it comes to energy efficiency.

Additional information about TVA’s program is available here.

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