Powering Strong Communities

Village of Pioneer, Ohio, Administrator Al Fiser Receives AMP Award

Al Fiser, village administrator for the Village of Pioneer, Ohio, is the 2021 recipient of the American Municipal Power (AMP) Seven Hats Award.

The AMP Seven Hats Award, which is modeled after the American Public Power Association’s (APPA) national Seven Hats Award, was initiated in 1984 to recognize utility managers who serve smaller communities of less than 2,500 meters, and whose management duties extend well beyond the scope of a manager in a larger system.

Award winners show skill in seven areas: planning and design, administration, public relations, field supervision, accounting, personnel or employee direction, and community leadership.

The award was presented to Fiser during the 2021 AMP Annual Conference, which took place Sept. 20–22 in Columbus, Ohio. Awards were also given to individuals and communities in the categories of electric system sustainability, innovation, public power promotion, safety and system improvement.

The Village of Pioneer is a small community located in northern Williams County, Ohio. Fiser has served the Village of Pioneer for 12 years.

With a small team of eight, Fiser led the completion of more than $18 million in infrastructure projects, including storm drainage, water treatment, power distribution and transmission projects, and more, all while he represented the village on the local economic board, school board and park board.

In nominating Fiser, Pioneer Mayor Ed Kidston noted that he is known for rolling up his sleeves on behalf of his employees and the village.

Click here for a video about the AMP Seven Hats Award and Fiser's accomplishments.

APPA Seven Hats Recipients Featured on Public Power Now Podcast

Four APPA 2021 Seven Hats Award recipients have been guests on APPA’s Public Power Now podcast in recent months: Robert LaFave, Village Manager, Village of L’Anse Electric Utility, L’Anse, Michigan, Joe Price, Village Administrator, Grafton Village Power & Light, Grafton, Ohio, Faith Willoughby, Town Manager, Town of Chalmers, Indiana, and Jamie Lindstrom, Superintendent, Town of Argos, Indiana.

Click here to access the podcast episodes.

AMP Conference Celebrated Value of Public Power, Addressed Industry Trends

The 2021 AMP Annual Conference provided attendees (in-person and virtually) with a full schedule of sessions led by industry experts and leaders and celebrated the organization’s 50th anniversary. 

Following AMP President and CEO Jolene Thompson’s opening remarks, participants welcomed APPA President and CEO Joy Ditto, Transmission Access Policy Study Group Executive Director Terry Huval and Large Public Power Council President John Di Stasio for a panel discussion about the value of public power and the key issues impacting the industry.

On day two, conference participants heard from Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Commissioner Allison Clements, PJM Interconnection President and CEO Manu Asthana, and Midcontinent Independent System Operator CEO John Bear for a panel discussion on the current power industry challenges and projections of the future, as well as the federal perspective on regional transmission organizations and markets.

The conference covered timely topics and trends in the power industry, including updates on power markets, a session on workforce development, a panel discussion about electric vehicles, and a discussion about “What Customers Really Want.”

In addition to the many sessions and events, AMP held its General Membership Meeting on Sept. 21.

During the AMP General Membership Meeting, elections were held for four expiring at-large AMP Board of Trustees seats. The AMP member communities of Bryan, Montpelier, Oberlin and Orrville were re-elected to three-year terms.

Following the General Membership Meeting, the AMP Board of Trustees met to elect officers for the coming year. The following individuals were re-elected to leadership positions: Chair – Jeff Brediger, City of Orrville, Ohio; Vice Chair – Robert Patrick, City of Wadsworth, Ohio; Secretary – Dave Carroll, City of Paducah, Ky.; Treasurer – Chris Monacelli, City of Westerville, Ohio.