Powering Strong Communities

What is transmission?

Between the power plants, dams, and facilities that generate electricity and the wires that connect your home and your neighbors to substations in your community is a series of high-voltage wires and towers that make up the transmission system.

360,000 miles of transmission lines in the US

66 balancing authorities 7 RTOs RTOs manage 310,000 miles
Splitting costs 1.35 cents per kilowatt-hour goes to transmission transmission costs will increase to 16% of electric bill by 2040
energy price decreases not offsetting transmission increases
Customer advocates, including public power, are working to ensure transmission costs are fairly split and don’t get too high. As such, new projects should:
  • Relieve congestion
  • Benefit customers (e.g., connect to lower cost or preferred sources of generation)
  • Be planned in coordination with the region, to reduce development of unneeded capacity or curtailments
  • Support greater reliability

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