Powering Strong Communities
Grid Modernization

Where Grid Resilience Funding Has Been Allocated

A quick look at the funding allocated to states, territories, and tribes for the Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grants, a program authorized by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. As of September 2023, the Department of Energy has awarded more than $748 million to these jurisdictions to strengthen and modernize America’s power grid against wildfires, extreme weather, and other natural disasters.

Map of state and tribal funding for grid resilience with highlights from public power

The DOE also announced up to $3.5 billion in cost sharing for 58 projects in the Grid Resilience and Innovation Program, including 12 public power projects.

  • Burlington Electric Department, Vermont - $1.1 million to create a network of grid-interactive efficient buildings
  • City of Lake Worth, Florida - $23.5 million to deploy AMI, energy storage, new fiber optics, a meter data management system, and other devices
  • City of Naperville, Illinois - $1.1 million to deploy a distributed energy resource management system   
  • CPS Energy, Texas - $30.2 million to implement technology to optimize DER integration and other smart grid devices
  • EPB Chattanooga, Tennessee - $32.3 million to develop a series of six microgrids and underground key circuits
  • Fort Pierce Utilities Authority, Florida - $5.8 million to upgrade substation transformers
  • Jamestown Board of Public Utilities, New York - $17.3 million to create a microgrid
  • Kaukauna Utilities, Wisconsin - $3 million to deploy technology to improve the resilience of its hydroelectric facilities, including installing a battery storage system
  • Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, California - $48 million to aggregate and integrate distributed resources, including EV chargers, rooftop solar, and energy storage systems
  • Sacramento Municipal Utility District, California - $50 million to develop an advanced smart grid, including modernizing its outage management system and an advanced distributed energy resources management system
  • Snohomish PUD, Washington - $30 million to deploy smart grid devices
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