Powering Strong Communities

WPPI Energy Seeks Proposals for Long Term Capacity Resources

WPPI Energy is seeking proposals for long term capacity resources through a recently issued request for proposals.

WPPI Energy has a need for additional Midcontinent ISO-qualified capacity, primarily as a result of expiring power purchase agreements.

It issued a request for proposals in November.

The long-term capacity resources can be either capacity only (MISO Zonal Resource Credits – ZRCs) or capacity with energy dispatch rights.

WPPI Energy’s primary need is for summer capacity, but it will consider purchasing during other seasons as well. 

It prefers capacity resources located in MISO Local Resource Zones (LRZ) 1, 2, 3, or 4, but will also consider LRZs 5-7 or the PJM External Zone. 

WPPI is looking for 50 MW starting June 1, 2028, growing to 200 MW for June 1, 2030 and beyond.

Responses to this RFP are due by close of business (5:00 p.m. CT) on Friday, December 20, 2024. 

Proposals should be emailed to Andy Kellen, akellen@wppienergy.org.

WPPI is a municipal joint action agency serving 51 customer-owned electric utilities in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Iowa.  These utilities purchase their electrical requirements from WPPI and supply power to more than 200,000 homes and businesses. 

WPPI’s peak demand is approximately 1,050 MW and annual energy requirement about  5.2 million MWh. 

WPPI has a diverse portfolio of power supply resources, including thermal generation owned by WPPI and its members and unit and system power and renewable resources purchased from other parties.