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Press Release

American Public Power Association Names 2023-2024 Officers

Contact Tobias Sellier, Senior Director of Media Relations and Communications at TSellier@PublicPower.org or 202-467-2927

David Osburn of Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority as Chair

Seattle, Washington, June 21, 2023 – David Osburn, general manager of Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority, was installed as chair of the American Public Power Association Board of Directors during APPA’s National Conference in Seattle, Washington.

Nicholas Lawler, general manager of Littleton Electric Light and Water Departments in Littleton, Massachusetts, is chair-elect for 2023-2024. John Haarlow, CEO and general manager of Snohomish County PUD in Everett, Washington, is vice chair. Tony Cannon, general manager and CEO of Greenville Utilities Commission in Greenville, North Carolina, is immediate past chair. Layne Burningham, president and CEO of Utah Municipal Power Agency in Spanish Fork, Utah, is treasurer.   

Osburn chose five members of the board to serve with the officers on the APPA Executive Committee. They are: Daniel Beans, electric utility director of Roseville Electric Utility in Roseville, California; Chuck Bryant, general manager of Carthage Water and Electric Plant in Carthage, Missouri; Jonathan Hand, executive director of Electric Cities of Alabama in Montgomery, Alabama; Thomas Kent, president and CEO of Nebraska Public Power District in Columbus, Nebraska; and Michael Peters, president and CEO of WPPI Energy in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.  

Newly elected to the APPA board this year are: Rosemary Henry, executive director of the Wyoming Municipal Power Agency in Lusk, Wyoming; Stephen Morrison, director of utilities for the Borough of Ephrata, Pennsylvania; and Amy Zubaly, executive director of the Florida Municipal Electric Association in Tallahassee, Florida.

Seven board members were re-elected to new three-year terms: Chuck Bryant, electric superintendent of Carthage Water and Electric Plant in Carthage, Missouri; Bret Carroll, chief executive officer of Conway Corporation in Conway, Arkansas; Edward Gerak, executive director of the Irrigation and Electrical Districts Association in Phoenix, Arizona; David Leathers, general manager of the Jamestown Board of Public Utilities in Jamestown, New York; Gary Miller, general manager of Bryan Texas Utilities in Bryan, Texas; Debra Smith, CEO and general manager of Seattle City Light in Washington; and Lynne Tejeda, general manager and CEO of Keys Energy in Key West, Florida.

APPA board members are chosen to represent 10 regions across the country.