Powering Strong Communities
Press Release

APPA Statement on DOE Transformer Efficiency Standards Final Rule

Contact Tobias Sellier, Senior Director of Media Relations and Communications at MediaRelations@PublicPower.org or 202-467-2927

Washington, D.C., April 4, 2024 — The American Public Power Association appreciates the Department of Energy taking positive steps in its final transformer efficiency standards rule to assist electric utilities in their efforts to continue providing reliable, affordable, and sustainable power to their customers. 

Electric utilities continue to struggle to source and obtain distribution transformers to properly maintain their systems. In relaxing the materials standards and extending the implementation timeline in its final rule, DOE has demonstrated that it has listened to industry stakeholders and understands the challenge before us. 

APPA looks forward to continued collaboration with DOE – as well as our other government and industry partners – to ensure the reliability of our nation’s electric grid. Engagement between industry and DOE from the beginning of any rulemaking process has consistently yielded the best results in terms of problem-solving.