Powering Strong Communities
Grid Modernization

Moving Public Power Forward: Community-Driven Solutions for Industry Transformation

Whether from advancements in technology, changes in costs, interest from the community and large customers, or pressure from state and local government, the electric sector has been making major changes to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions.

This report details several ways in which public power utilities are leading this energy transition and outlines pathways for continued change. Review trends and developments in technologies such as electric vehicles and research into applications of hydrogen in the electric sector, and policies such as state renewable portfolio standards. Review different ways in which public power utilities are incorporating clean energy into their portfolios, redesigning rates, and working across their communities to transition to the future grid, including through electrification and smart city efforts.

Topics covered:

  • How electric utilities are changing
  • Public power's advantages
  • Clean energy options and public power examples
  • Electrification
  • Enabling transition through rate redesign and grid improvements

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