Powering Strong Communities

Bills and Rates

Not-for-profit public power utilities offer competitive electricity rates to customers. On average, residential public power customers pay 13 percent less than customers of privately owned utilities. APPA helps public power utilities stay informed about rate design trends that address new technologies and meet customer expectations. Members can get rate design resources through our Public Power Forward initiative. Public power utility, state/regional association, joint action agency, cooperative associate, and federal agency members can join the Rate Design Interest Group (RDIG)

Hands reaching for a piece a of a pie chart
Bills and Rates
Virtual Event
points of light navigating a dark blue maze
Bills and Rates
As new types of electric loads emerge, utilities are examining how to adjust everything from...
electric meter coins and calculator over outline of the U.S.
Bills and Rates
A summary report of average revenue per kilowatt-hour for all U.S. electric utilities for calendar...
Radial pattern on orange and yellow background with generating assets
Bills and Rates
The Public Power Statistical Report is the central source for American Public Power Association members...
dashboard display on electric car indicating battery level
Electric Vehicles
As electric vehicles become more common, utilities must determine how to design rate structures that...