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Recently in Public Power Current
To find earlier stories in Public Power Current, browse by popular topics or contact us at News@PublicPower.org.
Distributed Energy Resources
Platte River Power Authority issued a request for proposals on May 29 to obtain virtual power plant technology that could manage distributed energy resources for Platte River’s four owner communities of Estes Park, Fort Collins, Longmont, and Loveland.
Electricity Markets
Grant PUD commissioners announced May 21 during their monthly workshop that Rich Wallen will remain as the utility’s Chief Executive Officer and General Manager.
Electricity Markets
Turlock Irrigation District General Manager Michelle Reimers has announced her resignation effective June 21, 2024, the California public power utility said on May 31.
Snohomish County PUD crews will be busy this summer making electric system improvements and completing preventative maintenance projects, the Washington State PUD said on May 28.
Distributed Energy Resources
Origis Energy and the Tennessee Valley Authority announced on May 29 that the first of three solar plus storage projects in their Mississippi portfolio has reached commercial operation.
Energy Efficiency
New York State recently became the first state in the nation to offer the first phase of Inflation Reduction Act (Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates program) funding to consumers through the U.S. Department of Energy.
Energy Efficiency
New York State recently became the first state in the nation to offer the first phase of Inflation Reduction Act (Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates program funding to consumers through the U.S. Department of Energy.
Community Engagement
The following is a transcript of the June 3, 2024, episode of Public Power Now. Learn more about subscribing to Public Power Now at Publicpower.org/Podcasts. Some quotes may have been edited for clarity. Paul Ciampoli Welcome to the latest episode of Public Power Now. Our guest on this episode is